The role of wheat flour minor components in predicting water absorption

The role of wheat flour minor components in predicting water absorption

Laura Rezette, Kamal Kansou, Guy Della Valle, Sophie Le Gall, Luc Saulnier. Published in Food Chemistry, Volume 463, Part 2, 15 January 2025

Graphical abstract WA.2
Graphical abstract WA

Water absorption (WA) in wheat flour is a crucial quality parameter for optimizing bread-making processes. The determinants of wheat flour WA were investigated through the analysis of 28 compositional and technological properties of 150 wheats grown in France. A multiple linear regression approach was used to predict WA, selecting the best model through successive examination of Bayesian Information Criterion, Variance Inflation Factor and minimizing the total number of variables.
A model with protein content (Prot), soluble starch (SS), damaged starch (SD) and specific viscosity from water extractable arabinoxylans (SV.AX) was identified as the best trade-off between the number of variables and the predictive performances among all possible models. SS, a new criterion measured alongside water extractable AX content (WE-AX), shows significant potential to predict water absorption compared to SD. These results demonstrate the significant impact of WE-AX on wheat flour water absorption, making them key criteria for assessing wheat quality

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