Partner 2: UMR IATE

Partner 2: UMR IATE

Participants : Patrice Buche, Luc Menut & Marie-Hélène Morel


The Joint Unit IATE has unique expertise in the fine characterization of gluten proteins and on the development of ontologies and data integration from heterogeneous sources.

P. Buche is a Research Engineer (HDR - qualified Senior Researcher) in computer science at INRA IATE JRU Montpellier (France) where he is the head of the Knowledge Engineering group. His research activity addresses Knowledge Engineering, Heterogeneous data source integration, Fuzzy set theory and Possibility theory, Flexible querying of imprecise data, Information extraction from text and tables guided by domain ontology, argumentation for decision support. P. Buche is involved in WP3 & WP5 of the project.

M.H. Morel is specialized in protein biochemistry and physical chemistry at UMR IATE. Her work focuses mainly on cereal reserve proteins, in particular wheat and sorghum.  Her expertise extends to the characterization of biopolymers and the study of their functional properties in food matrices. M.H. morel is involved in WP3.