Partner 4 : ARVALIS

Partner 4 : ARVALIS

Participants: Benoît Méléard, Sonia Geoffroy

ARVALIS - Institut du végétal is a research and development organization serving producers.


The Institute's mission is to mobilize its expertise to enable the emergence and support the adoption of production techniques and farming systems that reconcile economic performance, market suitability, resilience to regulatory and economic changes, and a positive contribution to environmental and biodiversity issues in all French regions. economic and climatic changes, and making a positive contribution to environmental and biodiversity issues.

ARVALIS' scope of activity extends upstream to downstream, from the field to the plate, through adapted experimental systems, multi-location trial fields, and analysis platforms.

In this respect, ARVALIS is a natural partner in the EVAGRAIN project, whose work should lead to the development of methods for analyzing soft wheat and processing information in response to the increasing segmentation of markets. The results of the project should be transferable to the approaches implemented by the Institute to qualify the use-value of wheat and better position production with respect to the targeted uses.

B. Meleard will lead WP2 and select wheat cultivars providing large diversity in technological properties. ARVALIS will be also involved in the production and characterization of flours. Expertise on bread-making test and NIRS calibration will also be brought to the project (WP4 & WP5).