Partner 5: I2M (UMR 5295 CNRS)

Partner 5: I2M (UMR 5295 CNRS)

Participants : Cédric Baudrit and Christophe Fernandez; Post-doc: Mélanie Münch


I2M is a joint research unit (UMR 5295) under the supervision of the CNRS, Bordeaux INP, the University of Bordeaux and Arts et Métiers ParisTech. The laboratory has more than 320 staff and 6 research departments.

I2M will be involved in WP4 and WP5.

C. Baudrit is interested in the holistic modeling of complex systems tainted with epistemic and stochastic uncertainties. He develops mathematical tools capable of integrating fragmented heterogeneous knowledge stemming from different sources.

C. Fernandez is a software developer specializing in both mathematics applied and artificial intelligence. He has developed software dedicated to knowledge transfer or multi-objective optimization under INRA copyrights.