Partner 7 : Limagrain Ingredients

Partner 7 : Limagrain Ingredients

Participants : Laurent Linossier

Limagrain Ingrédients is a subsidiary of Groupe Limagrain that produces cereal ingredients and semi-finished products for companies in the food and animal nutrition sectors (feed and pet food). Established in Europe, it sells primary and secondary transformation products such as flours, semolina, functional flours, Masa flours, puffed or toasted grains. Its application markets are bread-making, breakfast cereals, prepared meals, snacks, pet food, equi-nutrition, and feed for young livestock.


L. Linossier is involved in the characterization of protein and carried out farinograph analysis (WP2). Limagrain also supplied flour for the project.

In the Evagrain project, Limagrain Ingredients wishes to contribute to the creation of tools and the discovery of new descriptors for better management of its wheat primary processing and a better match between the quality of its flours and their use by its customers. Limagrain Ingrédients also hopes that the knowledge generated by the project will enable it to improve the efficiency of its management of varietal selection programs for the milling industry, which it also manages.