Partner 8 : Spectralys

Partner 8 : Spectralys

Participants : Abdelhaq Acharid, Lou Buisson.

Spectraly's mission is to provide the Food Industry with rapid alternative analytical tools to control and anticipate the quality of final products early in the production chain.


Spectralys Innovation has developed and integrated into its analyzers a new technology for characterizing biological and food products: fluorescence. Combined or not with infrared, these real-time and non-destructive analytical solutions address analysis needs that are not currently covered by infrared alone and therefore require long and costly laboratory analyses. This is particularly the case for the technological qualities of wheat and flour, which are only partially covered by rheological flour measurement tools.

Spectralys's participation in the EVAGRAIN project aims at integrating into our analyzers the calibrations of new grain quality criteria more relevant for the prediction of the use-values of flours and thus enriching the range of quality control measures for storage organizations and millers.

Spectralys  is in charge of carrying out fast analysis of grains and flours by fluorescence spectroscopy using the compact fluorimeters developed by the innovative enterprise (WP5).